Although we're bringing a pretty posy of new artworks to Sydenham, First Thursdays will also be encouraging everyone to take notice of the wonderful artworks already enlivening the area. One work in particular that will be making a temporary cameo appearance on Colombo St, is the well traveled and internationally acclaimed public sculpture Imag_ne by Australian born artist, Emma Anna.
Emma Anna is a visual artist, creative producer and writer whose work draws upon a diverse range of experiences. Currently her playful piece, Imag_ne, is visiting Christchurch and encouraging locals and tourists alike to allow a space in their day for imagination.
Proudly supported by Christchurch City Council’s Transitional City Projects Fund and Life in Vacant Spaces (LiVS), over fifteen local sponsors have combined their resources to provide assistance for the construction of the artwork, generously donating materials and expertise. This support provides a timely reflection on the necessity of sharing and networking during a time of renewal and rebuilding.
The Imag_ne sculpture will be temporarily located in various locations around Christchurch, and this October, can be found right next door to Honeypot Cafe.
Alongside the sculpture, the artist is also inviting the public to complete the statement 'Sometimes I imagine....' with responses written on slips of paper and installed as an evolving exhibition of words and ideas in the cafe window.
Modeled on Candy Chang's Before I Die project, take a moment to note down your own imaginations of what the future could hold for Christchurch!