We'll be showcasing retro sci-fi, but also some genuine future technology!
Fab Lab XChC is a community digital fabrication workshop that supports grass-roots innovation. Their goal is to empower people to become the makers and creators of their own world.
The renewal of Christchurch's built environment has activate a range of fresh thinking and innovation around the way we engage with our urban landscape. Fab Lab xChc seeks to capture this innovative thinking and offer citizens a platform to bring their ideas to life. You can join them for workshops about 3D printing and fabricating as well as learn how to use their tools to hire them for your own projects.
For Lost In Space! Fab Lab will be bringing the FuturePet Robot Playdome out! This is where robot buddies go to play – feed them, pat them, play with them and see what they do!
Presenting an array of the mechanical and marvellous - creations from Fab Lab xCHC will be onsite for your petting and perusal. A fantastic opportunity to learn more about 3D Printers, fabrication and robot design from the ground up.
The crew from Fab Lab XCHC will be at the Robot Base outside The Asiatique at 50 Wordsworth St from 5-10pm on the night!