Paper, Scissors, Rock – Rock Always Wins!
Or is it the Rock in Rock 'n' Roll that always wins?
Somehow, if there is a Rock it will win – or will it?
Dr Suits is out to prove that Rock Always Wins at the next First Thursdays – 4 June.
A new wall will be the support for Dr Suits paste-ups at 380 Colombo Street. His work featured at the recent 2015 Spectrum Street Art room, "Stick Em Up" where Dr Suits, along with other artists (Jen, Porta, Reuben Woods, Xpres, IZM) covered walls with stickers and street art techniques. Visually exciting and vibrant, these works extended connections and alternated ideas that worked like a tapestry of conscious thought flow. This is something experiential in the way the visual relationships between forms and thoughts play out and it is definitely something worth experiencing. So, come and see for yourself if Rock Always Wins!
The work by Dr Suit and Jenna Brown NOM NOM, is the little digger that sprang up on a wall in Christchurch in 2013. This featured as one of 153 projects in the book "Christchurch: The Transitional City Part IV", published by Project Freerange
This character appeared on Madras St, next to the GapFiller Knit Happens mural in early 2013.
Dr Suits is Nathan Ingram, a consummate fashion creative with his own label – Love Triangle. Nathan works full time as a tutor in Fashion Design at CPIT as well as producing his own one off pieces and experimenting with new concepts. The innovation and difference Nathan brings to his creative work is definitely his strong Suit! Aspects of fashion can extend out from our environment, folding into other creative arenas and this is perhaps what Dr Suits paste-ups and stickers explore – his own evolving ideas expressed in a different modality.
Image below from the Stick Em Up Room at Spectrum 2015.